About Us

Get to know our team and

what drives us at Solis Re.

Who we are

​Headquartered in Miami, the regional reinsurance hub for Latin America and the Caribbean, Solis Re features a management team with a long track record of both excellent underwriting performance and unparalleled client service.

Solis Re leverages decades of first-hand knowledge and experience in Latin America and the Caribbean with a technical platform that utilizes the best tools and resources globally. Solis Re underwrites reinsurance in Latin America and the Caribbean on both a Treaty and Facultative basis.

Conan Ward


Conan Ward is a seasoned leader with an entrepreneurial mindset and a record of growth and achievement in the insurance and reinsurance industry. He has held a variety of leadership positions including Chief Executive, Chief Underwriting Officer, and Chief Risk Officer.  He has helped lead two international reinsurance franchises in Bermuda from start-up to mature, market-leading, NYSE-listed companies with offices around the globe. He has integrated two major acquisitions (Talbot and IPC) into existing reinsurance operations. 


Conan worked with our founder, Andy Downey to bring Validus Re to the Latin American marketplace and was an occasional advisor on the formation of Solis Re.  He is a graduate of the United States Military Academy where he studied National Security and Public Affairs.  

Juan Carlos Roa

Chief Underwriting Officer & Senior Vice-President

Juan Carlos joined Solis Re from Transatlantic Re Latin America & Caribbean Division, where he was a Senior Vice President of Underwriting and Commercial Relationships Manager & Underwriter.

At Transatlantic Re Juan Carlos oversaw the Property, Engineering, Technical Lines, Surety, Casualty and Specialty Casualty lines of business whilst also leading the company’s Brazil, Argentina, Panama and Miami underwriting units, where he managed a book of business in excess of $350M.

Juan Carlos is one of the most well-known underwriters in the region with access to business across the spectrum of clients.

Prior to 2001, Juan Carlos held roles as Technical & Commercial Vice President at Reaseguradora de Colombia and as Reinsurance Manager at Allianz.

Monica A. Downey

Head of Operations

Monica Downey was originally a part of the formation of Solis Re and formally joined the company as Head of Operations in July 2024, bringing a distinct perspective to the organization.  With a background in commercial banking and a brief stint in the financial sector, Monica oversees various aspects of the company's operations, including banking, payroll, vendor management, and IT infrastructure. 

She plays a key role in compliance matters, liaising with regulatory bodies such as Lloyd's of London and various international securities commissions.  Monica's adaptability and commitment to continuous improvement have allowed her to quickly become an integral part of the leadership team, contributing to the company's continued growth and success.

Felix Pena

Technical Accounting Manager

Felix has worked in the insurance/reinsurance industry for approximately 23 years. Felix Pena started his accounting career after serving in the United States Marine Corps. Felix earned his Accounting degree at Florida International University. While working as a customer service representative for a Property and Casualty Insurance Company (Hallmark Insurance Group), he worked his way up at the group to become a staff accountant.

Felix worked as a Senior Account Analyst at Employers Reinsurance Company in Miami for approximately eight years. Felix’s position prior to joining Solis Re was as the Accounting Manager of Validus Reaseguros, Inc. in Miami for approximately ten years. His responsibilities included both technical premium and financial accounting. While at Validus he managed a team of five people, worked with other teams abroad and spearheaded many important projects.

Fulvio J. Martinez

Claims Manager

Fulvio has more than 30 years of experience in claims examination and management both in insurance and reinsurance. He brings technical expertise, team leadership and extensive experience handling both facultative and treaty claims. Throughout his career Fulvio has focused on the Latin American and Caribbean markets. Prior to joining our team, he spent 9 years as VP & Senior Claims Manager for Scor Re, 2 years as Claims Manager for Everest Re,

4 years as AVP & Claims Manager at Transatlantic Re and 3 years as Claims Manager at Signet Star Re.

After graduating from Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nicaragua with a degree in Civil Engineering, Fulvio earned his Associate to the Insurance Institute of Canada (AIIC & CIP) professional designations, and his Associate in Claims (AIC) professional designation from the Insurance Institute of America.

Andrea A. Gil de Montes

Underwriting Services Administration Manager

Andrea has more than 24 years of experience managing information for various industries, including the federal government, academia and private business. With an MBA/MS-MIS from the University of Pittsburgh, prior to joining Solis Re, she was part of the MBA admissions team at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business for 4 years.

For 10 years, Andrea worked as a Senior Business Analyst for the US Department of Commerce Small Business Administration and the USDA Forest Service. She gathered business requirements for the development of mobile and internal computing solutions, ensuring business needs were met and implemented successfully. She maintained the web presence of a USDA/DOI inter-departmental initiative, as well as the presence of financial services websites, directed at various Latin American markets.

About our Founder

Andy “Don’t sign me” Downey

Our Founder, President, CEO, and fearless leader for 8 years, Andy built Solis Re from the ground up.

He was the former CEO of Validus Reaseguros, Inc. in Miami and with over 27 years of underwriting experience and business relationships in the region, actively trading there since 1996.

Prior to Solis Re, Andy joined Validus Group as CEO for Validus Reaseguros, Inc. (“VRI”) in 2007. VRI operated as a Lloyd’s Coverholder and MGA starting on April 1st, 2008. He established offices in Miami and Chile for VRI and developed a book of Latin American and Caribbean business from scratch, approaching a combined revenue in the territory of USD 100M per annum prior to the AIG adquisition.

He was responsible for both Treaty and Facultative underwriting across multiple lines of business including Agriculture, CAR/EAR, Cargo/Hull, General Liability, Specialty Line and Surety. Prior to that he was at Transatlantic Re, where he began in 1996. He held numerous positions from Underwriter to General Manager of TRC Argentina and ultimately Underwriting Manager of the Latin American & Caribbean Division for over five years where he underwrote and managed a $250m Treaty and Facultative Portfolio of Property, Casualty, Specialty Casualty, Marine & Aviation, Surety, Health & Personal Accident throughout Latin America and Caribbean region.  

We will continue to add to Andy’s impressive biography, but for now leave you with his words of wisdom when confronted with a challenge (or many):

“Onward & upward…no slowing down!”

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